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FC Essentials

On Saturday 25th January, Power Cheer teams Flash, Little Rockets, Destiny and Gravity attended Future Cheer Essentials competition at University of Essex, Colchester. It was our first competition of the season and the first competition for most of our athletes and teams.

First up to perform was our first Tiny Novice Level 1 team Flash. With only 5 athletes on the team from ages 3-5 these little super stars stole the crowd’s hearts with all their cuteness. Placing 2nd in the Tiny Novice Division in their first ever competition. All athletes came off with the biggest smiles on their faces and ready to go again! We are currently getting these athletes ready for their next competition in April with a bigger team!

Our second Tiny Novice Level 1 team Little Rockets were on second, this team are a massive team for such small humans. With a total of 10 competing at their first competition and over half of them were brand new to cheerleading this season. It takes a lot of practise and confidence for athletes this age to stand on the mats in front of so many people perform without the coache’s verbal instruction. Our Little Rockets did so well and got through the whole routine without any distractions! Little Rockets placed 3rd at this competition!!

For Gravity, as a brand new team this was their first ever competition. Competing at Mini Prep Level 1 at Future Cheer. All athletes were so excited and so well behaved and switches on back stage, they acted like true professionals while warming up and getting ready for their performance. On stage they had all the smiles and SASS that coaches had asked for and we couldn’t be more proud of them. Gravity came 4th at this competition and what a brilliant start to the season.

Our Mini Level 1 Allstar team Destiny were on last and were ready to rock it with their Elite skills. Lots of these athletes had been cheering with us from last year however took the massive jump from Novice to Allstar this year with the team they were placed on after tryouts. This team were able to show all of their highest level gym skills and have really pushed their stunts this season as the division they were on last season didn’t allow them do perform stunts. This was Destiny’s first competition this season and brought home the GOLD! A great start and brilliant boost of confident for our Tiny athletes!

We loved taking all of our Tiny and Mini athletes to this competition and getting time to spend with each and every one of them! It was a great competition and we will definitely be back next season!

Thank you to all of our wonderful parents for taking the time to travel to the competition and for supporting your little cheerleaders in the run up to the competition and while on the floor!! We are so proud of each and every one of them!

All of these athletes will be at our next competition on April 5th in Milton Keynes!

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